Owning and operating a successful business is an amazingly rewarding experience. However, to stay in business long-term, you need to continuously grow your client base. To do so, you should always strive to provide exceptional customer service to your clientele. You can accomplish this task by training your salespeople well. You should also search for effective ways to advertise your business’s product or service offerings. Some wonderful places to advertise your goods or services include newspapers, magazines, your website, and the social media outlets you engage in. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to help you succeed in business.
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Long-term storage units, such as at K&L LLC Mini Storage, are excellent for providing additional space for items you don't want to get rid of, but don't have room for in your house. In this case, you may visit your storage unit often, looking for one particular item that you need. If you're like most people, a quick trip to the storage facility to pick up one item can take a lot longer than you intended. As you start checking the cardboard boxes, trying to find that one thing, everything else starts to come unpacked, creating even more chaos for the next time you return to pick up one item. Here are some great tips to save time and organize your storage so you can actually find things when you need them.
1. Use Clear Plastic Storage Totes Instead of Boxes.
If your storage is used primarily for holding items long-term rather than temporarily, in-between moving, you'll be better off using clear plastic storage totes rather than cardboard boxes. That's because you'll be able to see inside the tote to know quickly if it's holding the item you're looking for.
2. Stack Totes According to Content
Instead of just randomly stacking totes in your storage facility, stack them according to their contents. Totes containing kitchen cookware should be near other kitchen totes. Totes with books should all be stacked together in another area, etc. That way, you'll always have a general idea of the area in your storage unit where that item will be.
3. Make an Inventory of Your Totes
When you pack your totes for storage, make a list of everything in that tote. Label the tote, such as with a letter, and assign those contents to that letter on your list. Mark a large letter A on the tote. Now when you visit your storage unit, you'll know exactly which tote the item is in, because you have it inventoried on your list.
4. Stack Totes in Single Rows
The more totes you have to shift around so you can get at them in your storage units, the longer it will take to find anything. Instead, stack totes in single rows so you can always see one side. You'll have a row to walk down and grab the tote you need, just like a well-organized warehouse.
These storage tips will make your storage unit experience more enjoyable, since you'll always be able to quickly find exactly what you need.