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Owning and operating a successful business is an amazingly rewarding experience. However, to stay in business long-term, you need to continuously grow your client base. To do so, you should always strive to provide exceptional customer service to your clientele. You can accomplish this task by training your salespeople well. You should also search for effective ways to advertise your business’s product or service offerings. Some wonderful places to advertise your goods or services include newspapers, magazines, your website, and the social media outlets you engage in. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to help you succeed in business.

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Growing Your Business

About Chartering A Boat To Scatter Ashes

by Claude Medina

Do you need to plan a nice memorial ceremony for a deceased loved one that loved boat rides on the ocean? If he or she was cremated and you are trying to figure out what should be done with the ashes, there are a few things that can be considered. You can have a memorial service with ashes that is just as nice as one that is for a burial. This article provides a few tips that can help you plan the perfect memorial service for your deceased loved one.

Charter a Boat for Scattering the Ashes in the Ocean

Unless you intend on keep the ashes in an urn, you can opt for scattering them. The ocean is a good place to scatter the ashes because it is a place that your deceased loved one enjoyed. You want the scattering site to have as much sentimental value as possible. Chartering a boat from a company like Ashes Scattering Circle of Remembrance is the most ideal way to host an ash-shattering ceremony on the ocean. The chartering service will especially come in handy if you don't have a boat to conduct the memorial service on your own.

Plan for Music to Be Played During the Ceremony

You can set the mood in the boat by playing music. Make sure the music selection is sentimental, such as something that your deceased loved one enjoyed when he or she was alive. You can also play other types of music during the ceremony that can create more memories in honor of your deceased loved one. Keep in mind that some boat-chartering companies will provide music for the ceremony if you can't make a decision on what to play.

Determine How Many People Will Attend

Make sure that you know in advance how many people will attend the ceremony to scatter the ashes in the ocean. You will then be able to charter a boat that is large enough to accommodate all of the ceremony attendees. Depending on the chartering company that you choose, there should be boats available in numerous sizes. You should also be able to find a boat that is within your budget.

Purchase Flowers That Can Be Scattered with the Ashes

Other than scattering the ashes, you can also opt for flowers to be scattered. For example, rose petals are a great option for scattering in the ocean after the ashes have been released. If your deceased loved one had a favorite flower, it would be the most ideal scattering option.
