Owning and operating a successful business is an amazingly rewarding experience. However, to stay in business long-term, you need to continuously grow your client base. To do so, you should always strive to provide exceptional customer service to your clientele. You can accomplish this task by training your salespeople well. You should also search for effective ways to advertise your business’s product or service offerings. Some wonderful places to advertise your goods or services include newspapers, magazines, your website, and the social media outlets you engage in. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to help you succeed in business.
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Are you responsible for planning an employee-recognition program or choosing the awards for an event? If so, crystal awards are an excellent material to choose. Employees are also likely to appreciate this type of award over a paper achievement certificate. The following are a few ideas you can use when choosing crystal awards for various members of your organization.
Short Tenure
Your newer employees may initially think that they do not have much to look forward to for the event. Everyone in your organization is contributing something to keeping your business operations running smoothly. If you have employees who have only been with you for a few months, consider giving them crystal paperweight awards. You can include their months of service if you choose or simply put the name of your organization on these. The paperweights will serve as a reminder that you care and give them things to look forward to as they get more tenure.
Many Years of Service
These individuals are likely very well respected in your organization. Some of them may be in upper management, but you likely have some who know the company's ins and outs even if they have never been promoted. Crystal plaques are a good choice for these employees. You may also want to include an engraved sunflower on their plaques to symbolize loyalty. Another option would be to present them with a trophy that is shaped like a sunflower. Presenting them with an award for the number of years at your organization will prove to them that you have not forgotten about their dedication to the company.
Perhaps there is an employee who will be retiring. Showing them that you appreciate the time they have worked for the company is ideal. This can be done with a commemorative crystal plaque. You may also want to consider a crystal award that is shaped and designed with retirement in mind. For example, a sailboat-shaped crystal award would be indicative of relaxing and enjoying retirement.
Top Performers
There are top performers in nearly every organization. These are the individuals who likely have high productivity reports, high sales volume, perfect attendance, and related performance objectives met or exceeded. They are the "stars" in your organization. Presenting them with performance awards or leadership awards that are shaped like stars are quite fitting for what they deliver.
A company that manufactures crystal awards is a good resource to use for more ideas. They can also assist you with sample wording, which can ensure that your employee-recognition event is a success. Some of your employees are likely deserving of more than one award. Ensure they get them.
Contact a company such as Trophy Awards to get started.