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Growing Your Business

Owning and operating a successful business is an amazingly rewarding experience. However, to stay in business long-term, you need to continuously grow your client base. To do so, you should always strive to provide exceptional customer service to your clientele. You can accomplish this task by training your salespeople well. You should also search for effective ways to advertise your business’s product or service offerings. Some wonderful places to advertise your goods or services include newspapers, magazines, your website, and the social media outlets you engage in. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to help you succeed in business.

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Growing Your Business

Things To Check For Your Used Stainless Steel Three Door Freezer

by Claude Medina

If you are in the market for a used stainless steel three-door commercial freezer, then you need to be cautious with the vendors and the used freezers themselves. There are many benefits to buying used, including decreased costs, but a non-functioning freezer isn't useful even if you bought it at a low price. There are a few things to check when attempting to buy a used commercial freezer


The first thing you should check when finding a used commercial freezer is the general cleanliness. If the previous owner hasn't cleaned the freezer before they sold it to you, then that shows a general lack of care in the freezer. This can be a sign of other problems that occur with a low amount of maintenance or other care. It is not the end-all-be-all of freezer systems as sometimes freezers can be in near-mint condition and simply had a spill inside. There are other issues to consider alongside general cleanliness, too.

Properly Closing Doors

One of the most important aspects of a commercial freezer is its ability to close effectively. The highest quality freezer with a brand new cooling system and an interior you could eat off of won't be able to keep food cold unless the doors seal properly. Three-door freezers can generally reveal a door problem very easily, and you should test the door itself before attempting to test the ability of the freezer to cool if you can. All the doors should close the same amount, and fully. If they do not, you will have to call a commercial freezer contractor to fix it if you choose to buy the freezer.


Finally, if you are able to test your used freezer before you buy it, you should. A clean freezer with fully functioning doors can still have a variety of cooling problems, ranging from refrigerated air leaks to broken fans and refrigeration coils. These issues are nigh-impossible to diagnose without pulling the freezer apart and that might not be an option. Instead, you can find something you have frozen before (and are therefore familiar with what it should feel/look like) and tuck it into the freezer for as long as you would expect your test object to be fully frozen by. Once tested, if the test subject is as frozen as it needs to be for that amount of time, you can be reasonably sure that the freezer works.

It is important to check your used stainless steel three-door commercial freezer for a variety of faults before using it or deciding to purchase it. This includes the general cleanliness of the freezer, and the ability of the doors to properly close. Once those elements are secured, you can then test the freezer itself and check for any cooling problems.

For more information, contact a used stainless steel three door freezer supplier.
